Walk, run, hop, skip, jump, cartwheel and lie down
So then, to dance with stitch. Well what I know about dance is minimal, so I watch some You Tube and attempted to transfer the feeling of the dance to stitch. As this exercise is about stitch control, I wasn't to worried about my dance steps more the emotion and speed of the dance.
Dance moves!
Waltz is forward, side, side so one long step forward and two little steps to the side. Then a couple of swirls, followed by the foxtrot - no idea but I think it's fast so lots of little fancy steps and the fox went off on his own. Then the jive, fast and jumpy and the twist, "up and down we go" and then line dancing, lots os stepping sideways and on to the American Smooth; swirly and soft. The Pasadoble was strong and angular and finally the Cha cha with little side kicks on the spot. I've stitched the names of the dances. Good fun!
I chose anger, joy, peace, frustration, sadness and love and tried to feel these emotions as I stitched.
My samples are all on calico backed with Stitch and Tear and held in an eight inch embroidery hoop, a 100 needle and black top and bottom thread.
During this chapter mark making in a notebook was part of the exercise. I photographed my notebook and the mess on my table.
Mark makers
Charcoal on long sides and with the tip in sweeps, line and circles
Natural sponge, toothbrush scraped an flicked, a fine line paintbrush with tip and on side and a wooden stick on LH page. On RH page a selection of different hardnesses of pencil and italic pen. The paper wasn't hick enough to stop the impression from the other side.
The left hand page is different thicknesses of graphic pens and pencils and the right hand page graphite, a thick block of charcoal, cotton bud and different brushes
The final sample is Quink black ink, bleached out with a stick and a bottle top, then detailed with a fine brush