Stitching colours, line and texture
The first exercise was to draw lines on paper then stitch different lines onto black felt using a range of colours.
The doodles were done first.
The first three samples were then stitched with pink, turquoise and gold.
1. Stitched blobs and lines
2. Stitched spirals and lines
3. Stitched zig zags and lines
Then changing to red and gold thread on black felt, three more samples were stitched.
4. Squiggles in gold and red
5. Spirals in gold and red
6. Wavy lines in gold and red
Then the colours were changed to purple and silver again on black felt
7. Circles in purple and silver
8. Spirals in purple and silver
9. Wiggles that look like 'ME" in purple and silver
My preferred colours were the first three as were the designs. I then did very small samples in a green and variegated metallic rainbow threads.
10. Loops in green and rainbow metallic
11. Circles in green and rainbow metallic
12. Straight line doodle in green and rainbow metallic
Next, Pottery by Caulfield was considered. Although not my taste, the image was interesting in it's use of perspective. From the bottom of the image, it looks as though you are looming into the pots and then looking towards the top of the image, it looks as though you are looking upwards. Clever.
Asked how many shapes were found; I thought four. The vases, jugs, plates and urns. The lines are both curved and straight. Some same colours are close to each other, but not touching.
The exercise was to draw shapes, curved and straight with lines going inwards and outwards, then a shape inserted, coloured and a line used as in the stitching exercise. Zingy colours were to be used.
The following two images are my results. I like them but wanted to do something different for my stitched sample
The following photographs are taken in a hotel car park in Nairobi and are made entirely from mosaics. I loved the shapes created and had them in photo files for reference. I particularly like the heart shaped curvy image top left and thought that this would make a useful image for this resolved sample.
Photos from hotel car park, Nairobi, Kenya 2013
I drew the lines from this image onto paper and made a stencil which I then transferred onto pelmet Vilene
Then using my five chosen colours, I made four images using those colours in different way. The first two are above next to my drawing and stencil. The second pair are below.
From the four images, I selected the predominantly yellow image to transfer to stitch and stitched the reversed design onto the Vilene and through to the black felt, with black thread to create a positive image on the front of the black felt.
Reversed image on stitched on Vilene
Positive image on front of black felt.
Then using my five colours and a range of lines and stitches, I created a representation of the original mosaic in colour and thread.
My resolved sample
I hope that I have done enough to have completed Module 1 and look forward to continuing the course.