Images - If only you knew what was coming up later, right at the beginning of the course, you could take the correct photos. I had a couple (the last two) but mainly got them from the Internet
I used the reflective bottom element of the boat in the bottom image and using vilene and sheers, using PVA allowed to go tacky, put the transfoils on the third layer and having stitched some shapes of ripples over the top burnt back through the sheers to reveal the transfoils. Not convinced that I did this properly as they didn't transfer very well.
I used the reflective bottom element of the boat in the bottom image and using vilene and sheers, using PVA allowed to go tacky, put the transfoils on the third layer and having stitched some shapes of ripples over the top burnt back through the sheers to reveal the transfoils. Not convinced that I did this properly as they didn't transfer very well.
Cello foils
I had more success with Cellofoils and using felt as a base, I used parchment and ironed them but didn't get a lot of crinkle, nice effect though. I layered a couple of sheers and then created ripples with a 'ripply' automatic stitch in three colours; a metallic, blue and white floss type threads. This was based on the final photo which I took in the Seychelles by the jetty at the harbour.
Fusible film
I loved this. Using the same photo as a source, I cut fishy/ripply shapes as with the cello foil and fused them onto a navy blue satin base supported with Stitch'n'tear, then covered with a layer of dark blue net and used a variegated thread and automatic vermicelli, stitched the piece down. No bring through on this one, as I liked the effect I had achieved.
Metal leaf
I used little flakes of different coloured metal leaf and PVA to hold it, I used tree refections from a photo source. Covered with a metallic sheer and stitched with metallic and non-metallic threads.
I embossed some copper shim and aluminium shim and then used paint and nail varnish on the aluminium as I couldn't get it to discolour with the heat gun.
Aluminium shim
Copper shim
This shim had been heated then painted with a black acrylic and wiped to reveal the high spots, then a little gilding added and in a couple of spots that aren't really visible on the photo, some alcohol based ink was added.
Copper shim
This shim was put through it's paces. I could not get vinegar to have any effect at all even after three days in a bag. It had been heated and embossed before put in a bag with vinegar. Then I put it in salty water to see what happened - nothing! So that got washed off and I had another go with the blowtorch to get the colour variance. It's really lovely, but took several days to get this way...
I used a variety of tools to emboss the shims
Stitching shim and wire mesh
I read through the last instructions for the chapter and decided to combine a range of products in one image, so using reeds reflected in water as the source, I used Bondaweb to attach a piece of royal blue satin to black felt.
I trapped strips of yellow satin, copper shim and fusible foils between two layers of Angelina by fusing with the iron on parchment. Then heat-changed copper mesh was stitched as the reflection in water between two layers of metallic organza. Threads were left to hand from the tops of the reeds and finally the metallic sheer (water) was burnt through in small places to create ripples and shadows.
Photo of me during module
An enjoyable chapter.