Sunday 15 February 2015

C&G Module 4 Chapter 9 completed

Developing designs for layering and cut through

I had a look at the Mola work online - it was difficult to see that it was cut-through as the detail was pixelated when enlarged. I see what they achieve though, it's lovely and very colourful.


I have been looking for possible source materials both pattern and pictorially based. My grandmother painted. My brother has a painting that she did, a still life with pheasants, so I guess she was a bird painter. I have wonderful photographs of her as a young Edwardian lady and as part of my cut-throughs, I thought of having a layer where the cut-through takes you to a picture of her. Just a thought.

Taking rubbings a bit further 

I have had a look around inside as the weather has been foul to find possible rubbings. I also picked a couple of ferns from the garden to rub.

Page 75. The speaker grille from my radio and a silver Ethiopian cross

Page 75. Some wooden print blocks

Page 75. A candle made from honeycomb beeswax

Page 76. An antique Indian printing block

Page 76 Fern leaves

Given that the module theme is "Birds of a feather" I couldn't see that these would be suitable. I made a rubbing pattern as proposed in the chapter. Once I had cut out all the shapes, I had sore fingers!!

Page 77. Pattern design - A3

Then a piece of A3 paper overlaid the design and several colours were used for the rubbings. 

 Page 77. Rubbing - I used a budgie in flight for the red template

More ideas
I made templates of a bird (unknown species), eggs, feathers and webbed feet

 Page 78. Template for Chapter Ten 

I had read Chapter Ten and knew that this piece would be used for the resolved sample. I had difficulty getting a clear image from the rubbings. I only had soft wax crayons which in my hands became even softer and blurred easily. So I went to the shops to find some harder crayons after my first few attempts. 

Page 78. My first three attempts with soft wax

Page 79. The same template with harder wax crayons

I was happier with this outcome as I could see places to use for cut through more clearly using the LL framing

LL framing of rubbing

I made further templates and rubbings

 Page 79 Template

 Page 79. Rubbings!! A bit of a mess.

Then elements of the template were layered on each other and a rubbing made

Page 80. Templates layered onto each other

Page 80. The rubbing

The final suggestion was to layer elements of templates and make a rubbing

Page 80. The template

Page 80. The rubbing

I rather like this final rubbing. The denser areas of wax could be little bird eyes even though there are birds, feet and eggs in the template. 

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