Monday, 2 March 2015

Module 5 Chapter 2 completed

Module 5 Chapter 2

All that Glistens - experimenting with metallic threads

Well, despite going out to get more metallic threads, I still don't have a huge number but enough variety no doubt to move ahead

My little stash of metallics

Stitching with metallic threads

Well, I had a lovely free day so spent the day stitching. Much frustration with the threads some of which broke under speed but I persevered. 

The first sample was straight stitch altering lengths of stitch and on the same piece of black felt supported by pelmet Vilene satin and zigzag altering stitch length and width. No problem with this gold thread.

Sample 1 and 2

Sample 3

Sample 3 was layers and layers of zigzag. I used a range of colours and had issues with some of the threads, not with others. I found the ones that look like floss frayed out quite quickly and constantly needed re-threading.

Layers and layers of automatic pattern. This was fun, I used stronger threads this time and had few breakages. Then coloured thread in the bobbin and metallic on top with the top tension tightened to pull the metallic through. I stitched these on the same piece of felt. I didn't feel that this piece worked quite so well.

Sample 4 and 5

Samples 6, 7 and 8 were to play around with straight and automatic patterns on three different fabrics
The first sample was stitched on black felt, the second on calico and the third on organza supported with pelmet Vilene 

Sample 6

Sample 7

Sample 8

Free embroidery

I used a metallic thread in the bobbin and a matching coloured thread on top and tried to whip stitch but with little success. I could get little flecks of the pale blue metallic coming through but not enough to make much of an impact. I looks like a hare (unintentional)!

Sample 9

Vermicelli and granite stitch all in metallics


I stitched some random vermicelli in a variegated metallic thread and then using other metallic threads in-filled with granite stitch. I particularly like the gold (bottom right) and am going to get more of this as I can see me using a lot of it in future, and it doesn't break all the time!

Free embroidery layered metallics - some of these broke every few stitches - so it's not a huge sample 

Sample 11

Using one of the Module Three Chapter 7 samples using directional stitching I used a variegated metallic thread and stitched a similar sample again. On reflection, I should have used black felt as a support.

Sample 12

I used Janet's ideas and my own images to stitch the 'what if' samples.

The design source was the soap suds image from the first chapter of this module. I stitched the bubbles using a variegated thread that worked for the spectrum reflections in bubbles and water soluble fabric as a support. I am pleased with the result - I got bubbles!

Sample 13

The next exercise was to stitch on velvet using a water soluble support and using an image from Chapter One as the source, so I chose a galaxy, one of many from my sources and stitched using three metallic threads.

The source image

Sample 14


A comparison between light and dark backgrounds was made using a light coloured and dark coloured felt as bases and the same variegated metallic thread to stitch from the source photo of a tree reflected in water.

Sample 15 and 16

Using the same detail as Janet from the Van Gogh' s 'Starry Night' and not reversing the design, I used a gold coloured cord and dark blue chenille cable stitching from the back of the piece which was supported with pelmet Vilene. Then the lovely variegated gold thread used before was used on the right side to pick up some more metallic detail. I rather like this. 

Sample 17

A twin needle was used with dark and light blue metallic against black felt to emulate ripples on water. 

Sample 18

Then a gold metallic thread and a yellow/gold ordinary thread were threaded through one eye and reflections in water were emulated - the ordinary thread gave up first....

Sample 19

Reflection of the spectrum on a pillar was used to inspire the next piece of stitching. It was only when I cropped this photo that I spotted the fly or spider on the pillar - I didn't stitch it... but using colours to try to catch the same shades as the refection, I used free zigzag and then lightly overstitched with the variegated gold thread

Sample 20

An interesting day of stitching. 

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